Monday, April 5, 2010

God is Good!

Wow. So, three days after receiving this job offer and two days after posting this blog, we have already had more questions answered! Adam enrolled in classes for the summer and fall today...and his schedule gives him Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons free to stay at home with our son! With how crazy his schedule has been this past year, we really weren't counting on his staying home as an option. However, all of the classes he needed were only offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the answer came pretty clearly! Figuring out two days of childcare is a lot more manageable than figuring out an entire week. I know that things aren't always figured out this quickly on the Lord's timetable, but I am so grateful for His love and desire to help us feel such peace and assurance as we face the unknown - parenthood.


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! That is so awesome! I'm so happy things are falling right into place for you guys!

Chelsea said...

I can't think of too many others who are more deserving of the blessings!

Unknown said...

Karen congratulations again on the new job. It makes me happy to hear that all the details are falling in to place without too much stress. I will be back in Lawrence in May so hopefully I will see you and your beautiful bump soon!